2002-06-05 21:59:05+00 by
Dan Lyke
Things I've learned playing Dope Wars:
- Cash in the bank does very little good. Better to take less profit
percentage-wise if your overall payoff is better than having that
money in the bank.
- If you're playing for big scores from anomalous events (drug bust,
IPO, etc), inventory cost doesn't matter. Let the debt accumulate
and don't wait for cheaper costs.
- The strategy for big payoffs is completely different from the
strategy for sustainable business.
- Be in the right place at the right time, you look like a genius.
In the wrong place, the loan shark breaks your legs. Either way,
if you're playing for that big score, beyond the basics it's luck
when you make it.
- In the real world, the SEC prevents anyone
from breaking your legs.
Along those lines, Hornswoggled looks at Krispy Kreme donuts relative to the new economy.
[ related topics:
Games New Economy
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment made: 2002-06-06 22:05:43+00 by:
c'mon Dan put down the palm for a minute. The windows keyboard won't burn your hands on contact. Try playing Tropico & The Sims for a bit more insight. As for the SEC I think getting your legs broken would be pleasant compared to the SEC anal probe investigation.
I must have worked for a company whose entire demographic was Angry Scotsmen With Hip Dysplasia.
Hey! other than disparaging my highland brothers, it's a pretty good read. Laddy can ya hand me my walking stick, ah thats bonnie good. I would say that it's a fair bet that Krispy Kreme will out live Bea. So is Krispy Kreme the old New ecconomy or the New New ecconomy or just the old ecconomy?
#Comment made: 2002-06-06 22:27:28+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Can't play Tropico
on the bus. But on Monday, June 24th I'll actually have a reason to have the Windows box turned on again...