Talk of the Devil
2003-06-21 03:01:40.216233+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
I suppose I shouldn't have been suprised when I learned recently that Idi Amin Dada, the brutal once-ruler of Uganda, whose statesmanship was a hilarious parody of diplomacy (yes, fans of Kissinger, it is possible to parody diplomacy) which belied a repressive regime that killed three hundred thousand people during his rule, was living out his remainng days in relative luxury in Saudia Arabia. But I don't often think of former dictators. They're out of power, out of the news, and presumably the countries they once governed have learned the lessons and moved on.
Enter Riccardo Orizio's book Talk of the Devil: Encounters With
Seven Dictators, translated from Italian to English by Avril
Bardoni (ISBN: 0-8027-1416-I). Orizio tracked down Idi Amin, along
with 7 other now deposed heads of state, and in telling the stories of
this process and the subsequent discussions with the objects of his
quest, he reveals a lot about leadership, power, and humanity's desire
to beleive in the earnest.
Orizio doesn't come off as confrontational or pushing the hard
questions, rather he's interviewing to try to understand the humanity
of those who've lead others to commit inhuman acts. From Wojciech
Jaruzelski' vision of himself as a man trapped by circumstance in
between the Soviets and the social reform of the Solidarity labor
movement, trying to protect as many Poles as possible, to Jean-Bedel
Bokasa's role as African emperor and "secretly baptized... thirtheenth
apostle of the Holy Mother Church", Talk of the Devil offers views
of unshakeable self belief, with enough historical context to
understand why that confidence is flawed.
I don't think I came away from this book with any new insights into human nature, I knew that leadership was largely a function of self-delusion and exploitation of fear, but it was quite readable, and put into perspective some of the struggles that still echo in conflicts today.