Flutterby™! : Glenn Henry interview

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Glenn Henry interview

2004-06-11 19:18:44.659609+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

Linux Devices interview with Glenn Henry, founder of VIA processor subsidiary Centaur is interesting, and I'm not sure why. But one of the things that caught my eye was:

Our engineers are extremely experienced, and very, very productive. One engineer here does the work of many, many others in a big company. I won't go through all the details, because they're not technical, but basically, we started with the theory, "We're going to do this with 20 or 30 designers." Remember the 82 people I mentioned? Of those, only 35 are actual designers. The rest are testers, and things like that.

because I've run into so many companies recently that have way too many people involved in the process, and rather than structuring the company to figure out how to support the most productive developers (or whatever) they end up hiring two or three times the number of less productive people, leaving the people who could be carrying the bulk of the work doing too much casting about and trying to figure out what the product direction is. From what I've seen of their products so far these folks have figured some things out about management that are the right way to go.

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