2004-07-15 04:22:27.727721+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
One of the discussions which came up last night and again today was the notion of breaking genres; how sometimes we see obvious flaws in genre media say "we'd like that so much more if...", but in fixing it forget that the reason that "flaw" was there in the first place is that it's essential to the primary market.
Romance novels, computer games, action movies... the list goes on and
on, and includes porn. Over on the SHS
mailing list, Shawn and Ron inform us that Millerswork is shutting
down the website tomorrow and ceasing business at the end of this
When I read Pornblography or Fleshbot I'm often struck with that "I like the
commentary, but who likes this sort of porn?" feeling. Obviously it's
people willing to pay for their porn. While I'd surmise that the
Millerswork videos were probably pretty hot, frankly I think I'd
probably end up re-watching Before Sunrise
before I'd slap on a porn
Yet another reminder that genres evolve because there's a market for 'em.