At the close of the millenium the Supermodels of the world are at war. Forces of light and armies of darkness struggle for conquest. Now you will know the story.. Soldiers of Fashion
The Daily Illuminator once again points us to a great find: is what the FBI wants you to know about its investigations into unusual phenomena.
Lesbian sex! Now that I have your attention, actually Fantasmagoria is also one of the best art/multimedia pieces I've seen on the web. In the exhibits area the builders manage to break ideas up into small pieces without being annoying (unlike, say, Wired ). Web designers who tend towards the heavily visual could take some clues.
Misha Gordon is a "conceptual photographer". Surreal black and white images, sometimes disturbing. maybe reminiscent of Magritte? Anyway, with my kick towards landscape photography recently this provides some interesting images to think about going the other way, heavy studio and manipulation kinds of images.
I guess I've ranted and raved that there are two potential hobbyist activities which could turn into the next '70s style computer revolution: Electric cars, and hobbyist level biotech. Well, Biotech Hobbyist Magazine is here.
Sheer Phallacy , the phallic symbol collection. Pictures from all over the world.
Digital Proverbs in Salon Magazine. Things such as:
A fool and his money are soon automated.
-- Robert Kaye
An applet a day keeps coherence away.
-- Perry Hewitt
Updated URLs:
I'm writing to let you know Jesus is Gother Than You and its sub-pages have moved to a new directory.
Please update your links/bookmarks to [ ].
The Witching Hours has also moved. The new URL is [ ]. The correct URL for The Witch Hunters is now [ ].
Thanks for all the support! I apologize for any confusion this may cause, but it's something I should have done two years ago. Sigh....
Once again The Daily Illuminator finds a jewel, Gothic Gardening . Beyond the usual assortment of nightshades, carnivorous plants and so forth, we've also got plants which attract insects which attract bats and numerous other suggestions for the truly goth gardener.
ExoSci reports that back in May astronomers found a diamond the size of a planet . I don't know how fringe these folks are, but it makes for good entertainment.
While I'm blithely forwarding stuff without checking it out first, Reka's usually got pretty good stuff. She says:
I've updated my list of academic programs in human sexuality. Please take a look at it, let me know if something is inaccurate or broken, and definitely let me know if there's a program I've left off! (for frame-capable browsers) (for frame-incapable browsers)
Follow the "Which institutions...?" link.
Once again, something I don't have time to check out before I post it, but here's the message:
I'd like to announce the launce of my new website, The Soul of Erotica, the project of passionate images of couples in intimate moments. Some of you may remember me working on this for the last two years.
Please be my guest and enjoy these images, and of course, let me know what you think.
"Those who have power get to censor, and those who lack power get silenced. If you find yourself in a position to demand and get censorship, you can be sure you are among those who have the power, and you are acting to oppress others."
--Avedon Carol, Feminists Against Censorship, quoted at
Carol Queen fans and Blowfish customers take note: It hasn't been updated in a while, but Fishnet Magazine has some older writings.
A little history of nuclear weapons testing .
Heartless Bitches has such uplifting features as the Sappy Site of the Week
I haven't had a chance to check this out, but On Our Backs is back in print, and apparently they've got a web site too!
A new Need To Know .
An Interview with Bettie Page at Nerve magazine.
Dave Winer reports that you can get anything on the Internet:
Our mechanical dummy cows with built-in operator space are used regularly on nearly all bulls all over the world.
Our new model is silent when moving and weighs 700 kg to provide necessary stability. All movement and height adjustments are made by noiseless motors and hydraulic jacks, controlled by the operator seated inside or from outside controls.
Praise Cheeses!
And Unamerican Activities creates industrial-strength cultural propaganda.
Having tech support problems? Submit your feedback here.
A new card game: Spammers
If you're on the Internet (and we know you are), there's no better way to make money than by sending enormous quantities of Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail. You've seen them. They have subject lines like "Get Thin By Watching Free Cable TV!" and "Foreign Spouses Delivered to Your Door!"
As a hapless net.citizen, you have no recourse. But in SPAMMERS, the (non-collectible) card game of Internet Marketing, you can take the Net in your own hands and reverse the roles. You own the companies and you operate the Scams.
By using technology like Enormous Monitors and Little Black Boxes, you can send Mailings to your own Proprietary Lists or to the Unwashed Masses. You'll mail to groups like Bigots on Parade, the Sex-Starved Teenaged Boys, or Citizens for Decency on Our Net.
I've shared an office with Phil Beffrey for a bit over a year, and he got me into photography. He's just put up an exhibit of his landscape photography on the web. Nowhere near as cool as in person, but it does still come across.
Truth that you can find everything on the web: The Random Country Song Generator .I met her in Sheboygan at McDonald's.
I can still recall those training pants she wore.
She was crawlin' through the prairie in the twilight and I knew that she would be an easy score.
My Pooh Bear said I'd have my rash forever.
She said to me there was no other guy.
But who'd have thought she'd wind up in her Maytag.
I now can kiss my credit cards goodbye. is a large encyclopedia of western signs and ideograms. For instance, ever wonder what the background behind the pattern used on the Apple "option key" ? Now you can know.
Trying again to make sure I've got all of the parser bugs worked out, here's the one that screwed up yesterday: Christ was into body piercing. He only did it a few times, but what a statement he made with his piercings! Jesus Was Gother Than You along with The Witch Hunters , "a starting point for historical research into the great witch craze of 1100-1700 AD."
THE RISKS OF KEY RECOVERY, KEY ESCROW, AND TRUSTED THIRD-PARTY ENCRYPTION is a paper on why you shouldn't trust the FBI or the Clinton administration. Or at least one more reason.
Mouth Organ is a weekly comment on s e x, gender, and culture.
I needed that I like I need a hole in the head:
If you're not one of the current crop of critics who believe that we have too much nature photography already, you should check out the excellent pages of Don Baccus .
The mind boggles. New, from Japan (where else), the Lovegety , a device which you set for one of a set of predetermined interests, and it alerts you when someone else with a device set to go off for similar interests is within about 15 feet. is the campaign for a non-browser specific WWW. Failing horribly, but I might start adding icons here soon.
Now this is way cool: Books on demand. Lightning Print, a division of Ingram, will, for a $100-150 set up fee, print 300 page books on demand for about $5/per book.
In a way it's sad, we're seeing the end of the book as a unique item, but the value of the book is in the content, not the form.
A wonderful sendup of a certain "free" web page hosting service at GeoShitties , read the Manifesto afterwards.
Also in Salon today, an interview with Terry Gilliam , director of Brazil, 12 Monkeys and, of course, ex-animator with Monty Python's Flying Circus.
It's a good thing my T-shirt drawer is already full . And they've got lots of other cool ones, too! Thanks Rick!
Mark Frauenfelder wrote Light Fuse and Get Away , a look at the online pyrotechnics craze. Boom. Ooooohhh. Aaaah.
Gratuitous plug: hosts this service, highly recommended.
Archives of neat sites posted to Flutterby , notes to