Hooray! Marylaine Block offers direct links to all of her columns at Fox:
So far as I know, this is the first copyleft CPU design . It can be written to devices like Xilinx XC5202 FPGA and, if I'm interpreting the announce message correctly, leaves space on the gate array so that you can implement special purpose peripherals on the chip as well. Not only do we have computers (nearly) on a chip, you can design your own!
On Tuesday we tested a launch system that will usher in a new era in Alhambra style liquid nitrogen rockets . I will, of course, have a full report with pictures once we actually launch more than our test milk jugs.
At long last, the Bastard Operator from Hell pages at Network Week have been updated, including a new series for 1998 (http://www.networkweek.com/bofh/bofh_98.html ). Alas, it doesn't have the freshness that Simon once gave it, but...
The 12 principles of animation (as mentioned in the Bug's Life review at http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=2384 )
Well, once again the election out here in the PRC seems to be in the "Hold your nose and vote" situation. I wonder how long a country can survive when the essence of the political process seems to be get what you can while you can and to hell with the long-term. Oh well, some sites to help make the difficult decision even harder:
It's not like any candidate you're likely to vote for is going to do any good, but at least you can slow the descent.
Anti-Motivational posters from Despair
Some notes on teaching with Interactive Fiction: http://k12s.phast.umass.edu/~desilets/teaching.html
The Bear's Den has archives of erotic stories of a bunch of authors we know and love, but is in a bit of disarray right now. Hopefully that will improve.
Okay, Greg Costikyan: His home pages are at http://www.costik.com/ , from there you can find his recent article on hits this year influencing what's developed for next , and all his other writings on game design.
http://members.aol.com/achatte218/chat/index.htm begins: "Mother Teresa has reduced my city to the slum capital of the world" and warns "please be aware that the letter is illustrated with photographs of Mother Theresa's organisations which you may find disturbing".
From Ann and Cathy's list of site reviews and links , the first entry is Ars Magna Erotica , a collection of pictures of erotic art through history.
Another porn mag on the web: Scarlet Letters
In the year 1998 (this was written in '89), one lone bicyclist fights the tyranny of the automobile. If you've ever been run into a ditch, you'll find this horribly cathartic. If you've ever run a 'cyclist into a ditch, see you in hell. Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Dancing Cannabis page.
Atlantis: the lost continent is finally found. http://www.atlan.org/ includes text-bites like "Atlantologists of scientific repute", and "Despite the predictions of Edgar Cayce".
http://www.public.asu.edu/~ide4bubu/sexlinks/ Your resource guide to sex information across the world wide web.
A new erotica magazine, Clean Sheets . Mary Anne Mohanraj is one of the founders, so I expect good things.
I've got two goals on the back-burner with Flutterby. I created it because I was checking in on http://www.scripting.com/ every day but wanted a resource that touched my interests, and kept me up to date on the recurring sites I like to read, and I eventually want to make it a collaborative effort, allowing site reviews from everyone and doing some interest matching. I also wanted to do more writing, and while I'm doing a bit of that, not nearly as much as I want. But on the former, while I don't yet have the interest matching stuff happening, people are starting to play with newwwsboy , the software I use to run Flutterby. One such is Glenn Dixon , whose take on the world is a bit different from mine. Note that there's been quite a bit of improvement in the software recently because of daily correspondence with Glenn, so if you download it and have trouble getting it working, contact me and we'll work through it.
Finally, I found the Water Woman website . See you there?
Dictionaries Online: The OED 2nd edition, and Merriam-Webster .
MacOS on your NT box? http://members.xoom.com/yaro/macos/unload.htm Well worth the visit, and I don't often say this, but turn on Java and such first.
The Bears! The heartwarming story of a father and son and the results of an afternoon spent pursuing a mutual interest: embarassing the neighbors. Thrill to the visuals of tacky lawn windmills... ...no, I mean, very tacky lawn windmills... Do I have to spell it out for you? If copulating masonite animals offends you, don't go there. Complete with animated GIF.
David Schlussel was the creator of the gold and copper couple copulating sculpture at and the people emerging from the playa sculptures at Burning Man: http://www.slip.net/~dschluss/images/burningman/
The Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality mentioned below is way cool. Peer reviewed articles include topics like College Students' Perceptions of Women's Verbal and Nonverbal Consent for Sexual Intercourse . Small so far, but growing.
"Blender is a complete and integrated suite for modeling, animation, rendering and post-production." For Linux, and they're selling copies of their manual to see if making the software freely available can still give them a revenue stream.
From the SHS mailing list: http://www.ejhs.org/ This is the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, a publication of the Insitute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.
Archives of neat sites posted to Flutterby , notes to webmaster@flutterby.com