AAAAaaaaaaaargh! For the longest time I used to do some basic word searches on wire service news. Occasionally it'd pop up something useful, so it was worth putting the scan on my regular checkup.
Alas, recently they've gotten on the "my" bandwagon and replaced that with
Now I don't mind the name change, but the interface change sucks.
They require JavaScript.
Nearly every link pops up another box or window or something.
The JavaScript has a couple of places where it overwrites existing text, and with the obscured URL (ie: javascript:pnOTMStoryWin( 'EYEON3',4285640 )) there's no hope of telling what a link leads to.
That also precludes me from deciding when I want to pop up another window.
This sucks. Now I've got to go write my own filtering system, and that's going to increase network load and remove their ad exposure. Everybody loses.
Tuesday, August 17th, 1999