Good Idea, Proor Implementation
2007-11-11 15:43:24.691569+00 by ebradway 3 comments
I was hired about nine months ago to write regular blog entries for a website. The site is mainly a portal for advertising - the blog content was to be the draw. I wasn't being paid a huge sum but I thought the concept was good and it a topic I find easy to write about. Well, it took their "site administrator" about three months to get WordPress running. And when they did, I was given a username and password (that I couldn't change) and told to go at it. I had signed a "contract" saying I would write three entries every week for six months. After the first entry, I realized that I couldn't add my own categories, so I stopped tagging my entries. I had an email exchange with the guy who was my contact over that but it never changed.
I was also supposed to respond to comments. To make sure, I setup an RSS feed in my RSS reader so I could quickly reply. Of course, over the six months the only comments were from blog-spammers - clearly automated responses like "Dude, I agree with "TITLE OF THE POST". Check out my site <link TO PORN SITE>." Which I dutifully cleaned out every few weeks.
I just tried to log on and found that my password no longer works. I pulled up the original email to make sure I was entering it correctly and saw that the date of the original email was exactly six months ago. So I guess my term is up.
Oh yeah, it took them two months to finally mail a check to me for the first half of my pay. Since I only managed an average of 1.5 posts a week over the six months, I somehow suspect they won't pay me the pay the other half. It's kind of hard to maintain enthusiasm when the site owners aren't really making any effort to direct traffic. I checked the blogs of the other two people they hired and they have exactly two posts each - the initial bio that we emailed in and one post, I guess, to test that the password worked. So I guess I was the star writer...