There'll be peace
2007-12-30 17:29:53.840505+00 by Dan Lyke 3 comments
We've houseguests this weekend, one of whom is an 8th grader who's learning to play guitar and into metal. So last night while the rest of the crowd was playing Scrabble he refreshed me on the chords and I tried to teach him as much as I remembered of Stairway To Heaven, and then, in honor of cleaning out stuff we never use for the impending move, raided the CD collection for stuff he might like that I don't listen to any more. The complete Led Zeppelin
, Joe Satriani
, Eric Johnson
, and I put on a few others that I'm keeping but thought he should hear, like Leo Kottke
and Michael Klapholz
. One of the things I found interesting was trying to figure out some old riffs that were deeply ingrained in my memories but I couldn't place exactly, so I was saying things like "I think this from that Yes
song, you know..." and he said "wait, there was a band called 'Yes'?".
Truly a "was Paul McCartney ever in a band before Wings?" moment.
This morning, Elf pointed to this video of a 10 year old playing all 3 parts to "Carry On", in the context of talking about generations and music, and as soon as the gang is up and about I'm going to show it to them.