The name became a verb
2008-02-26 15:10:02.809022+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Remember the '80s? Everyone, everywhere, spoke English. The dunes of Monterey and a few fake moustaches on actors were a passable substitute for Hungary(!?), before the Leatherman and its ilk when Swiss Army Knives were cool, and a buff good looking guy being particularly nice to children wasn't creepy? MacGyver, Season 1, on the web, in all its cheesey bad plot glory, but we loved it because he got out of his jams with sciencethinking! Of course that all went to hell sometime after the first season, but you take your minor victories in, what are, in retrospect, really bad, TV shows where you can.
Also Star Trek, Twilight Zone, Hawaii Five-O, and... uh... Melrose Place.