Camel Toes
2008-04-29 15:04:50.991608+00 by ziffle 4 comments
I have to admit I am a little naive at times, so when I started hearing about Camel Toes years ago I simply thought it was some new perfume or song or overseas adventure.
Boy was I wrong. Camel Toes - its a whole culture.
Until about a year ago, I'd never heard of "camel toe" but significant other explained it was a popular culture description of the crotch of a woman's pants that was inordinately defined due to wearing pants that were too small. Ha! I knew immediately what he was talking about, we've all had that experience. Although it's difficult to quantify this sort of thing, I think camel toe has become more common over the past 10 years. By that I refer to camel toe becoming more frequent among women who are not wearing their pants too tight. This is something I've been meaning to write about for a long time because if there is one thing I know, the fitting problem known as camel toe is not caused by women wearing their pants too tight. No, no. Most of the time, camel toe is rarely the extreme you see on certain websites; it's more subtle than that. Most of the time, camel toe is caused by wearing pants that are too big -in one specific area- making a reciprocal area too small. It's an engineering problem, not a weight problem. In fact, here's a skinny mannequin. If she's got a camel toe, everyone else will too.
The link discusses further how Camel Toes are being engineered into the latest fashions.
There's Star Trek, Yoga, Chinese and Russian Camel Toes, Camel Toes in Advertising Camel Toe Songs "Baby it looks all right so let it show ..." Exercising and even real Camel Toes
I am for one now Camel Toe aware and its a whole new world, in Mayberry.