Two on working within structures
2008-05-28 13:53:44.496557+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Back in another century millenium, Meuon and I were playing around with a real estate data and listings service (this was before the internet hit, so this was a BBS on steroids), and we underestimated just how political and protectionist the local MLS service was. It seemed like they'd do anything they could to not just protect their own data, but to keep real estate customers from correlating their data with any external source.
Charlene and I have been really happy with Redfin, and I've been watching Redfin's corporate blog with interest, to see how they deal with some of that same crap.
Today's No One's Going To Take Away Our Data, But What Can We Do With It? is look at a small corner of that political nightmare.
And while I'm looking at "the nature of the business sometimes defines those in the business", Rafe's "How the media really works" is a look at John Harris's apology that "" is, in fact, just like every other muckracking political news hypersensationalist publication, because that's what drives traffic and sells advertising.