Spring RTS
2008-08-04 18:21:55.109397+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Ages ago I found copies of Total Annihilation for Forest
and me. It gave us a common game that we could play on whatever hardware was handy. Over the years we've tried various packs, and disks have become scratched and hardware and software have moved on, and it became a struggle to get the thing working any time we got together.
Yesterday evening we set up Spring, the successor to "TA Spring" which was an attempt to build an open source version of Total Annihilation. Spring is much much more, and it looks like the modders are taking it interesting places.
Nowadays I only play games when it's a good way to relate to a nephew or pseudo-nephew, but if you've got the RTS itch it's a danged nice multi-player real-time strategy game. It'd be nice if they toned back the explosions just a bit more on the "minimal detail" modes, 'cause the 3d-ness of those works pretty well until lots of things start going boom, but I'm impressed.