Django web development
2008-08-05 05:39:41.046184+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Charlene's out of town this week, and with the arm out of commission I decided to swing a little personal code in the evening. I started out toying with the Google App Engine, but after a few references that it really wanted to be Django when it grew up, and that " is possible to use nearly the entire Django stack on Google App Engine.", I decided to start with Django.
Much has changed since this tutorial was written, but I think I've got a grasp on things, and maybe tomorrow evening I'll see if I can start to see how the Flutterby CMS would look in Django. I think much of it should be reworking HTML templates, with the only really hard part being the user input management structure, where I put a lot of time into making sure that y'all (generically) couldn't sneak nasty JavaScript or what-have-you into comments.
Not that we've ever really been a rich enough target for that.
But I also like the way they approach their data model...