Tropic Thunder
2008-08-20 19:22:59.405844+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Charlene and I took Forest to see Tropic Thunder
last night. Forest
and I LOLed (LedOL?) repeatedly, Charlene didn't much, though she got a good laugh out of our laughter. Later we were talking about why I found it so funny, and I averred that a good portion of it was how ridiculously it sends up many of the idiocies that are found in many (most?) movies.
Of course that got me to wondering why the popular culture is about mocking and ridiculing the popular culture. Is there really a dichotomy between the side of the culture that's ridiculed and the one that's doing the ridiculing, or is this really about "look, this is stupid, hur hur hur!"?
No answers, just as I didn't answer similar questions after seeing Idiocracy, but I feel like I'm becoming more aware of the questions.
I'm sure you've read lots of other reviews about the movie, yes, it's gross and offensive on many levels, Robert Downey Jr.'s performance, especially in light of the running theme of ragging on actors playing the sorts of people they aren't, is brilliant, I'll avoid spoilers by saying "the guy who plays the studio exec", despite any feelings you may have about him, turns in a character that makes me willing to forgive many of his personal flaws, and I think it's worth seeing in a fairly crowded theater, because laughter is infectious.