No calculators
2008-09-13 04:01:38.784611+00 by
Dan Lyke
QOTD: Henry "If you've got a bazooka ..." Paulson on the price of the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae bailout:
"On CNBC on Monday morning, when asked about how big the bill might be, Mr.
Paulson replied, We didnt sit there and figure this out with a calculator.
Via. Uh. Yeah. So how do you do the cost/benefit analysis then?
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#Comment Re: made: 2008-09-14 02:22:11.148901+00 by:
It doesn't really matter any more. The US government's total debt has reached a point where it's impossible to pay back without devaluing the dollar. Given this, it's an easy choice to throw away more money in order to try and soften the coming collapse.