TSA stupidity continues
2008-10-23 15:10:14.664575+00 by
Dan Lyke
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#Comment Re: made: 2008-10-24 13:51:41.262273+00 by:
Atlantic article.
Opinion in other fora I peruse is divided as to whether Hawley really believes what he spouts, i.e. does he think he's actually doing it right, is he delusional, is he stonewalling/lying, is he just holding the fort because he knows a new administration is coming in? Pick all that you believe apply.
#Comment Re: made: 2008-10-24 14:20:48.423867+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Thanks on the correction.
I think there's a class of people who believes that doing something is better than doing nothing, even if the something is counter-productive. For instance, in a lot of desk jobs we have people trying to look busy, even when their work comes in quick bursts and their average day has them working only half the day, for political reasons.
I think Hawley is of that ilk, if you're not noticing that you're inconvenienced then he doesn't believe that he's doing something. If security just worked in the background, then if another event happens everyone asks "why didn't TSA do anything?", whereas if "security" is a royal pain in the ass, even if it isn't effective, when another event happens the response is "Wow, TSA did all of those things and the attack happened anyway!"