Another Boulderism
2009-01-22 21:59:36.480927+00 by
Boulder has one strip club. It's right off the tourist-trap Pearl Street Mall
(but you have to enter from the back alley). They were just awarded a liquor
Because the liquor board actually has very narrow criteria for opposing a
license, the club easily got theirs. Liquor board member, Lisa Spaulding stated:
"This community has a very serious problem, I think. We need the
community to come forward and do something about this. But theyre not
The irony of that statement is that the club surveyed the community before had
and had overwhelming support. The community didn't feel the need to come
From the soon to be gone Rocky Mountain
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#Comment Re: made: 2009-01-23 03:38:42.36089+00 by:
[edit history]
So what's the very serious problem?
- Strippers
- Alcohol
- Lisa
#Comment Re: made: 2009-01-23 20:56:48.573603+00 by:
Actually, Boulder has two strip clubs, unless the Bus Stop (up at the north end of town near the U-Haul place and a couple of my favorite restaurants) has closed recently. This is kind of remarkable; I remember making bets about how long Nitro would last when it opened a while ago.
I wouldn't really recommend either spot, even if I were all that into strip joints generally.
#Comment Re: made: 2009-01-26 17:12:00.516351+00 by:
Brennen: I wondered about the "Boulder's only downtown strip club" bit. I guess
I misread the "downtown" bit and wondered if The Bus Stop is far enough north to
be considered outside of the City of Boulder.
It's also the northern terminus of several RTD lines (hence 'The Bus Stop') and
right next door to the homeless shelter (so that's where my panhandled dollars