Mountain Bike descent
2009-02-09 14:55:22.657004+00 by
Dan Lyke
I know I've seen this before, but Shadow forwarded along the Mondial Du VTT Descente de Venosc caméra embarquée, or crazy buggers riding mountain bikes down technical single track. Although unlike some of the extreme video I've linked to, this one looks like fun.
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#Comment Re: made: 2009-02-09 15:44:57.943918+00 by:
Good phrases to know before trying this:
chirurgien orthopédiste
déclaration écrite (de l'interessé) refusant l'acharnement thérapeutique
Probably in that order.....
#Comment Re: made: 2009-02-11 01:01:07.81862+00 by:
c'est vrai!!
I've wandered those hills. It was tough enough just walking.