TomTom 730
2009-02-26 13:29:39.655717+00 by meuon 1 comments
Just bought another TomTom, this time a 730.,. because the other one (a 720) has disappeared between cars and traveling gear. It'll pop-up and I'll get it when it does. This one is for Nancy and will stay in her car, it's been a great tool for her in getting around Chattanooga as well as the rest of the world. Darn thing has just worked well.
And now Microsoft is attacking TomTom for patent violations. I've not seen a good list of the exact issues. Heck, I'll even contend there may be some. But the attack is not just against TomTom, it's against Linux and the FOSS community. TomTom was an easy target, very transparent company and technology, but I don't want to let them establish yet another toehold.