Reader's Digest on Snopes
2009-03-12 15:58:55.676848+00 by
Reader's Digest has a
"must read" entry on If they actually print this in the
magazine, it could do more to reduce rumor-foward-spam than anything in the
history of the web... Of course, there are other theories about Snopes:

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#Comment Re: made: 2009-03-12 17:30:58.527739+00 by:
That's hilarious, and also a great write-up on Snopes!
#Comment Re: made: 2009-03-14 19:20:26.570088+00 by:
I have a friend who tends to send me a lot of forwards - mostly stupid jokes, but the occasional "I'm a white male american and I'm outraged at something" petition. The problem is, every single thing he has sent me that quotes some sort of time/place/event has been completely and utterly false. As in, never happened. Moreover, any of this could be discovered by five seconds with Google.
So, I now realize those petitions aren't a document that demonstrates grassroots support, but a comprehensive list of people that do not know how to use Google.
#Comment Re: made: 2009-03-15 03:08:31.097813+00 by:
Or a list of people that can't think.