Broken Browsers
2009-05-29 22:07:09.163978+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Dreamhost: Broken Browsers Part Two, a little musing on HTTP over SSL and why HTTPS certs are badly broken:
Nowadays, buying a secure certificate is an entirely automated process: one that only requires you to have access to an email address @ the domain youre buying the certificate for. All a secure certificate is telling you nowadays is that:
- Your data was encrypted between the browser and the server.
- The owner of the domain you are connecting to dished out $100 to some authority trusted by the browser!
Yeah, I noticed the silliness of which domains Firefox trusts, and the brokenness of changing the certificate authorities, recently when I was getting massive security warnings while browsing some subset of the FAA's site.
Hat tip to Hanan Cohen.