GFE: Girlfriend Experience
2009-06-19 17:27:40.398461+00 by
Dan Lyke
Mention something on Twitter and who knows what comes out of the woodwork? In this case it was Ileana Pietrobruno
, the director of another film called Girlfriend Experience
. The trailer shows it to be a completely different film from Soderbergh's, but still looks like it'd be discussion provoking.
[ related topics:
Sexual Culture Psychology, Psychiatry and Personality Movies
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#Comment Re: made: 2009-06-19 17:37:49.478466+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Toro Magazine interview with Ileana Pietrobruno:
This is why Girlfriend Experience never shows the physical act of sex, because thats not what sex is about. Sex is about everything that leads up to it, and everything that follows afterwards. Sex is about desire, longing, hunger, anticipation, cruising, searching. And then the feelings afterwards, whatever those may be. In Daniels case, he often feels empty, lost and unsatisfied, which is why he needs to search again for what he believes will make him feel whole.