Trusting his technology
2009-06-30 23:23:08.235063+00 by
Dan Lyke
[ related topics:
Technology and Culture Television Embedded Devices Woodworking
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#Comment Re: made: 2009-07-01 18:56:46.330633+00 by:
In the comments thread under the youtube video, there was a lot of projection
about how big brother was going to destroy woodworking by mandating sawstops on
all table saws. As to my feelings on this, see my comments under donorcycles.
I probably would have been outraged over the possibility that all table saws could
possibly be $1k more expensive, until I correct typos due to the shorter fingers
on my left hand. $1k more for the saw would have been a bargain in my case. (On
the other hand, as my empathetic brother pointed out, "Sure, you can only count to
9-1/3 instead of 10, but you're much better with fractions now.")
#Comment Re: made: 2009-07-01 19:13:22.288991+00 by:
ouch ouch ouch
What if he was wearing rubber soled shoes? Would it still work?