Global COOLING?!?
2009-07-09 02:18:59.155048+00 by
According to what might be a scanned copy of the mysterious NCEE Report - There is global cooling going on rather than warming. WTF?!?
"Proposed NCEE Comments on Draft Technical Support Document for Endangerment Analysis for Greehouse Gas Emissions under the Clear Air Act" is a 90+ page PDF that I got emailed that is supposed authentic, and that people have been fired for it and contradicting the "global warming" meme.
[ related topics:
Global Warming
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#Comment Re: made: 2009-07-09 15:14:11.794604+00 by:
[edit history]
Sounds like the Report From Iron Mountain. Or is it?
#Comment Re: made: 2009-07-09 15:30:34.20935+00 by:
I saw this last week on NY Times, it appears
to be the same pdf linked at the bottom of the article.
#Comment Re: made: 2009-07-09 18:35:40.656192+00 by:
Dan Lyke
So I'm reading the executive summary of the New York Times one, I haven't tried to compare to these other ones, but the number of typos and goofs in the document ("...current downtrend to 100 years with a particularly rapid decline in 1907-8(sic)...") and the lack of specificity on places that should have specificity ("...a new 2009 paper finds that...", without a cite, ) aren't making it easy for find this document credible.
#Comment Re: made: 2009-07-10 07:05:46.531937+00 by:
Like I said; Supposedly. Only a real non-federally funded climatologist might be able to tell you how valid all of the stuff in that is. I certainly can't.
It was sure interesting and edumacational.
Is there such a thing? (as a non-federally funded climatologist)
#Comment Re: made: 2009-07-10 13:20:47.215701+00 by:
Larry Burton
The paper had the appearance of a writing project that had gone through a first draft. I can see how a paper that brings down a lot of heat on the authors might remain in this state.
#Comment Re: made: 2009-07-10 16:06:07.697365+00 by:
At the USGS, we have an internal review system for all publications. The purpose
isn't to enforce a particular "meme", but rather to leverage the fact that the
most qualified people to review the science behind USGS publications work for
the USGS. The same goes for the EPA. And if I, say, sent a questionable draft to
the NYT, I'd probably get fired too.
But the USGS (and probably the EPA) is still reeling from the Bush
Administration, in which executive policy needed to be considered as more
important that scientific accuracy. Realize that the Oval Office has
considerably higher turnover than most of the rest of the government. That is,
is slow to change attitudes and personalities of those that fill desks
throughout the bureaucracy. The authors, you may have noted, have been at the
EPA since the Reagan era. That's pretty typical.
Bush had a specifically science-hostile position and threatened to privatize ALL
government science positions. The reviewers of this paper had likely survived as
a government scientist at the EPA through the Bush Administration - which means
they learned to toe the line - not take risks - and definitely not risk a
pension over scientific quibbles.
As for the credibility, the document reads like it was written by a couple PhDs
at the EPA. It's an very early draft and links together ideas from recent
papers. They may have a point or two - but don't think that the climate
scientists, regardless of their funding, aren't looking for the same things.
None of the people I know who participated in the IPCC want climate change
(global warming) to be real. Nothing would make them happier than to find
substantial holes in the theory.
BTW, I know the dollar amounts that seem to be spent on Federally-funded science
seems like alot of money - but very little of it actually gets to the
scientists. At the University of Colorado (a Research One university), the
University skims a little more than 50% of all research grant money as indirects
(overhead). That money is used to maintain infrastructure and cover budget
losses. Last year, only 7% of the CU-Boulder budget came from the State of
Colorado budget. The rest was all covered by tuition and indirects from science
Most of the rest of the grant money goes to fund graduate students - who get
paid about $15K/year before taxes to do the grunt work of science (i.e., tramping around Greenland measuring moulins,I
spent two years writing C++ for $15K/year).
What's missing from that equation is these graduate students take classes or
have to register for "dissertation hours" (I take 5 a semester). Dissertation
Hours are supposed to be spent doing your own research or writing your
dissertation. But if you're a funded grad student (making $15K/year before
taxes), you are required to take at least five hours a semester. The university
charges full tuition for these "dissertation hours" against the grant money. So
typically, for every $1 a grad student sees for doing science, the university
takes $1 in tuition and $2 in "indirects".
If the actual research wants to fully participate in the scientific field work,
they have to buy the time from the university. That is, reimburse the university
out of the grant for their salary for the time they aren't working. Of course,
that's after the indirects, so the university gets 2X the money for research
The current system for funding research is less than optimal. But, like big
banks, the University system is "too big to fail."