Software Engineering over?
2009-07-21 15:50:58.45588+00 by
Dan Lyke
Johannes Ernst recommended Tom DeMarco
's article in the July/August 2009 IEEE Software: Software Engineering:
An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone?
... This leads us to the odd conclusion that strict control is something that matters a lot on relatively useless projects and much less on useful projects. It suggests that the more you focus on control, the more likely youre working on a project thats striving to deliver something of relatively minor value.
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Software Engineering
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#Comment Re: made: 2009-07-21 17:05:02.262828+00 by:
I feel vindicated.
And yet, I am working hard to "engineer more" and "code on the fly less".
Really. I am.
#Comment Re: made: 2009-07-21 22:01:28.538893+00 by:
Post-modernity has come to software. Larry Wall will be pleased.
#Comment Re: made: 2009-07-23 20:43:18.264083+00 by:
There are some interesting advantages to the way I do some things. My web apps typically don't care if you add a few new fields. The entry/edit/search "forms" are dynamically created.
Customer: "I need fields in the customer table to store X, Y and Z, plain text fields.. "
Oracle-ish Software Dude: "We need $5k and two weeks to make those changes"
Meuon's GAS engine driven web app: "> alter table customers add column X text default '' ; " - repeat for Y and Z.
Oracle-ish Dude: "You can't do that, you'll break all your code, and you'll have to add those to the forms.. and.. "
Meuon: [Refreshing web browser on customer table] "Why? Does you code break that easily?"
This is for a crazy simple little web app.. nothing intense. Dynamic applications are wonderful.