Thought of the moment
2009-07-29 15:14:59.594222+00 by Dan Lyke 3 comments
Thought of the moment: Everyone pays some portion of a transaction in order to protect that transaction. Prostitutes pay it to pimps to protect themselves from cops and clients, we pay it to our legal system and our military. There's an overhead necessary to enforce the terms agreed upon.
Seems like for a resident of the U.S. that's probably about a quarter of the transaction, right? We pay a little less than half our income in taxes, half of the federal budget is the U.S. military, and then we pay for the judicial system and other paramilitary organizations, police and Sheriff and the like.
Does anyone have a closer number for this, and does anyone have comparative numbers? I remember the Freakonomics guys came up with some numbers on pimps and prostitutes, and that probably very much varies by economic stratus of the customer, I'm just interested in how people have looked at this number.