Health Insurance pain
2009-09-14 05:23:43.928006+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
We're moving health insurance from Charlene's coverage with the Marin County school district supported Kaiser Permanente policy to a private Kaiser Permanente policy. We just finished going through the online application: Holy cow was that an annoying piece of software. I swear it filled in crap randomly and made us go back to fix it. And they've got our medical record numbers, we've been on a Kaiser plan for years and years, why the hell can't they just take our numbers and move us to a different plan?
The only possible explanation is that by going back through that lousy-ass piece of crap that is is that they can make us somehow enter bad data which gets used later for "post-claims underwriting". What an annoying joke.
On the good side, at least it's not Blue Cross.