Crash week
2009-09-18 16:59:03.744256+00 by Dan Lyke 4 comments
Jalopnik crash week begins with an offset crash between a 1959 Chevy Bel Air and a 2009 Chevy Malibu. All that romance of old cars starts to look kinda scary.
2009-09-18 16:59:03.744256+00 by Dan Lyke 4 comments
Jalopnik crash week begins with an offset crash between a 1959 Chevy Bel Air and a 2009 Chevy Malibu. All that romance of old cars starts to look kinda scary.
[ related topics: Automobiles ]
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#Comment Re: made: 2009-09-18 19:02:12.265769+00 by: Larry Burton
I wonder why they chose those two Chevys to crash. I understand picking a '59 and an '09 to show 50 years of change but why not two Fords or two Chryslers? I personally love the '59 Bel Aire but I'll admit that I've always thought the X frame design was just a bad idea.
#Comment Re: made: 2009-09-18 21:09:38.414741+00 by: Dan Lyke
I think if it were two Fords or Chryslers we'd be asking "Why not two Chevys".
#Comment Re: made: 2009-09-19 02:22:44.99205+00 by: Larry Burton
In '59 Ford and Chrysler were using ladder frames.
#Comment Re: made: 2009-09-20 18:09:58.341103+00 by: Dan Lyke
Given that the IIHS has a large self-promotion and "look what we've done for safety" propaganda component, I think that's why they used a Chevy, then.