Large Format photography
2009-09-28 18:24:47.516221+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
CJ and I have been exchanging some email about home-made large format photography. I really (really) shouldn't get sucked down that slippery slope, but it's soooooo tempting to try to build a large format camera. View cameras are fun, and the tweakability and care necessary to set up a shot (while viewing it upside down) makes them a far different experience then modern "point it in the general direction and it figures it out" cameras.
So here's a page he sent me on home-made large format cameras, and this led to a discussion about the issues with chemicals (in his case, he's on a septic system, which makes disposal hard, but getting the chemicals and materials is also becoming harder), which led to using coffee as a print developer.