Flutterby™! : "100 Billion" The Most Profound Image in Human History - Hubble's New View of the Universe

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"100 Billion" The Most Profound Image in Human History - Hubble's New View of the Universe

2009-12-11 12:34:30.794467+00 by Chris 2 comments

This is an amazing image, and since it IS Friday, am recharging my sense of wonder. "The image shows thousands of galaxies, some more than 12 billion years old. The field view of this image would fit behind a grain of sand held at arm's length against the sky. Almost every dot in this photo is an entire galaxy of stars and who knows what fascinating undiscovered mysteries."


but, someone posted a corrected link further down the page claiming that it is the actual image: http://hubblesite.org/newscent...09/31/image/a/format/xlarge_web/

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comments in descending chronological order (reverse):

#Comment Re: made: 2009-12-14 16:48:01.640806+00 by: jeff

'Tis no end to the aesthetics of the endless Universe...

#Comment Re: made: 2009-12-11 17:53:28.860766+00 by: Dan Lyke

That second photo is less aesthetically stunning, but more stunning in its content: All those galaxies, and each of those galaxies contain uncountable stars, and each of those stars may have a planet or ten, and...

The vastness is incomprehensible.