A realization
2010-03-16 17:40:13.718528+00 by
Dan Lyke
Had some finishing disasters this weekend, but as I was blowing dust off of some pieces I was working on, I realized that along with "you can never have too many clamps", the other truism of woodworking is "you can never have too big an air compressor".
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Work, productivity and environment Woodworking
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#Comment Re: made: 2010-03-17 17:21:57.952203+00 by:
Ohh, yes you can.
Lemme tell ya, it's great using air tools with one of the big trailer-mounted compressors, which you'd usually use for air hammers and sandblasting. Yeah, plenty of air, but the damn thing's noisy as hell and ALWAYS ON.
Just sayin'.