Cloud Computing
2010-05-05 04:53:43.607928+00 by
Dan Lyke
Tweet of the moment:
RT @DougHed: @GordiansKnot Cloud computing is quickly becoming the "what
the hell were you thinking when you slept with her?" of the 2010s
The iPad is really a cloud computing device, and Facebook and similar organizations are all pushing for ways to own your data in the interests of convenience, but just as the original microcomputer revolution occurred because people wanted control over their computing facilities, taking those capabilities away from the centralized IT services, and just as Amazon's cloud computing is now handy because it lets people experiment with server services without having to beg for root on a machine provisioned by those centralized IT services, I think there'll come another time before too long when we start to have second thoughts about outsourcing everything of value to Google and Facebook and Amazon and Apple and their ilk.
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#Comment Re: made: 2010-05-05 12:49:14.521907+00 by:
Or maybe there'll come a time when people will ask: "Why the heck do you have a
server in your closet/home/office?"
I view the "cloud" as a balance between control and responsibility (or effort).
I recently spent the better part of two weeks trying to get Oracle running on a
Linux box. It turned out that one of my installer files was corrupted. And I was
working on other stuff simultaneously... But I then found the Amazon AMI for
Oracle 11g. It took about 15 minutes to spool up an EC2 instance with Oracle
running. I would have loved to have the time back that I wasted on my own
A decade ago, I kept my own server plugged into the 'Net at Chattanooga Online.
It was great fun to know I could do anything I wanted. In many ways, it spoiled
me because now I get very annoyed when I can't do something because of security
reasons. Of course, when I was at McKee Foods, I learned how much you can do in
user space in Unix. There was very little I couldn't do (usually what I couldn't
do was assign services to ports below 1000). Now I use BlueHost. I get
aggravated sometimes but I also really like the fact that I don't ever need to
think about configuring sendmail (or postfix) again - much less deal with a hard
drive crash on a Friday night.
Part of this balance, hopefully, is an understanding of where CPU power should
be applied. I think Apple is getting this right. The human-computer interface is
a real-time task. And there are some tasks that should be tied to CPU
interrupts. One of the things I hate about my BlackBerry is that it occasionally
decides it needs to update something and I get a spinny hourglass when I'm
trying to make a call. I got this once when I mis-dialed a number. The thing
wouldn't let me hang up!
But there's another balancing equation - server-side computing vs. local...
Google is really a vandgaurd here. Arguably, they have more server capacity than
any other entity on the planet and yet, they created Chrome because the client-
side environment sucked so bad. I've spent time harping about the evil that is
the OGC WPS spec. ESRI
loves to tout their ArcServer's</
A> ability to run complex geoprocessing on the server for web clients. But if
you look at their server-load estimates, ESRI themselves point out that beyond
about eight simultaneous users, performance drops below "acceptable" levels.
Note that is eight (8), not 800 or 8000 or 8000000 users. sees about 250,000
hits per second following a major quake. There's no way that site can provide
dynamic content if it's running on the server.
It's a simple equation: if you have 100,000 users, the server would have to be
100,000 times faster than the clients' computers to reach equilibrium.
#Comment Re: made: 2010-05-06 01:18:11.868483+00 by:
[edit history]
8 clients/users.. Ouch. I barely understand the amount of math/cpu load going on, on.. and I assume that's on a NICE server. But OUCH!
![[UF Rack]](/images/upld0000/img003665.jpg)
Utiliflex just bought a "cloud".. slightly used top end hardware. XX drives of raid with SAN, plus multiple servers with internal raid, 3+ghz dual CPU's.. etc.. complete with UPS's just so we can play with such things. In-house. Partially because there is good reasons to use those processes in-house and keep those skills up. partially for the "blinky light effect", and partially so we can support customers who need to do it, in-house.
That's part of our play room to the right, I'll post nice pics when it's all properly in place and online. We'll be using Ubuntu's cloud server system first.. which is actually Eucalyptus, a private cloud.
#Comment Re: made: 2010-05-07 19:15:54.987247+00 by:
[edit history]
Idunno maybe I'm fully curmudgeonized but I take comfort in knowing I have
physical possession of my "stuff" and knowing I can break a physical link. I think
we are
going to see some really squirrly lawsuits over ownership, search, liability over
intermingling bits of stuff in the cloud(s). If you don't use you iPad for cloud
interfacing you can always shred it