More iPad silliness
2010-05-17 21:34:49.939733+00 by Dan Lyke 5 comments
Steve Jobs at the Apple shareholder's meeting earlier this year:
Something like HyperCard on the iPad? Yes, but someone would have to create it
Someone did!, and then Apple shut them down.
As you may know, on the 8th of April, Apple changed the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement, which impacts our development of revMobile. The new agreement added a clause which required that applications be originally written in Objective-C, C++ or JavaScript. As revMobile applications are originally written in revTalk, not in one of these languages, their policy changes effectively prohibit revMobile on the iPhone/iPad. The new clause also prohibits frameworks and compatibility layers, which also describes revMobile in its present form.
Among the really silly things with the state of iPhone development is that any attempt to claim Flash would run too slowly in the iPad given the state of JavaScript on the iPad is absolutely ludicrous. Slowest damned Java Script EVAR!!1!