iPhone is Disney, Android is Six Flags
2010-06-22 15:35:16.113627+00 by
Dan Lyke
Gonna drop a bunch of emails from a Chugalug thread in the comments... A tweet from Twitter user "invalidname" got me free-associating on "iPhone is Disney, Android is Six Flags".
comments in descending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: made: 2010-06-22 16:39:40.751848+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Continuing the comparisons: Medium Large on Toy Story vs Shrek.
#Comment Re: made: 2010-06-22 15:40:16.433708+00 by:
Dan Lyke
[edit history]
On Mon, 21 Jun 2010 18:14:47 -0500
Chad Smith wrote:
> So, basically what everyone is saying is that Android is better than
> normal life, but sucks compared to Apple.
Well, I think if we're going to try to draw way too much out of a
When you're a kid, Disney is great. Bright colors, sing-songy music.
After a while, though, ya notice that the world has started to diverge
from the fantasy, and though it's fun to go to Disneyland it feels a
bit restrictive to have to do everything on Walt's terms. There's no
chance to be a rebel, no chance to work on someone else's script.
Besides, at some point you notice that although the first time you used
two fingers was exciting, after a bit of that you wonder what else
is possible.
Who knows, maybe you get stopped in the "It's A Small World After All"
ride, or in some other list of approved apps, and after 6 hours of that
you snap and stuff Goofy into a urinal and leave the park before they
catch you, knowing it'll be a while before you can go back.
So you find the exciting chick who's flying all... uh... Six Flags.
Hang out with her for a while, eventually realize that though, yes,
adults drink Java, it isn't the end-all, be-all. And eventually you
realize that she's just kinda Looney Tunes. So you leave her.
And end up doing "the responsible societal thing". A house in the
'burbs, in a relationship with WinCE. Things are going along fine, but
occasionally you find yourself sneaking out to take a hit off the
bash pipe, just to get by.
Maybe you're even sneaking out at night for a little "man find" (DON'T
JUDGE ME! Sometimes you need to do that to discover that you were
really looking for "-type f"!)
So the Windows crowd out in the burbs doesn't really... uh... have it
"in the back end". And you discover that, although Windows lets you try
a lot, there's a lot of things you can't do. Furthermore, you discover
that, in fact, Windows lets pretty much anyone try those things, and
you start to worry about what you might catch.
So you end up hanging out with Linux on the sly. Not terribly
presentable, can't show Linux around to your friends, but Linux will
let you try anything, even the things Windows will do, although with a
little WINEing. And Linux uses protection, so you feel safer.
Although, occasionally, you do notice the raised eyebrow and subtle
note of disapproval when she catches you "...using the 'non-free'
repository" (*cough*).
So at some point you discover that behind the scenes, Disney ... who's
calling herself "Mac" now, or maybe Mac is Disney's younger sibling or
niece, they've got at least one family member in common, and is
experimenting with calling herself iOS, some Greek goddess reference or
something, has been ... uh... "hitting the bash pipe" ... too. And,
yeah, you can show Mac around to your friends, and she'll let you do
most of the things that Linux will do, although it takes quite a bit
more negotiation to make that stuff happens and she puts a lot of
things in freaky places...
And you've kinda gotta make a choice: Do you stick with the controlling
one who puts things in strange places and seems to be trending towards
letting you do less and less of what you want to do, but who
you can show off to your friends, who's popular and hip (to be fair,
is now experimenting with even more fingers), or do you go with the
outcast who'll let you do anything, even if sometimes you hurt yourself
with some of the contortions?
Anyway, just some pre-coffee post morning-run rambling on topics I
should let quietly die.
I'll go back to being lucid and rational here shortly.
#Comment Re: made: 2010-06-22 15:39:51.503268+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Well the time went so quickly,
I went lickety splitly
Out to my Four---- Eighty Six
As it booted so slowly
Feelin' so holy
To get my IRC fix
And now the prompt's comin' up
Computin' with Lady Luck,
Ethernet packets and chunks
Phosphors beginning to fade,
The connection is made
And that's where I run out of rhymes to "fade" and "made". Topspin?
(Relatedly, this thread got me to cue up "Mule Variations" on the
Windows machine, and... ya when you right click and add to the
playlist, it doesn't seem to add in any particular order, and that
album doesn't sound right if it's not in order.)
#Comment Re: made: 2010-06-22 15:39:09.52177+00 by:
Dan Lyke
[edit history]
On Mon, 21 Jun 2010 14:15:49 -0400
Cameron Kilgore wrote:
> I didn't know you could beowulf cluster Tom Waits. Does it sound like
> a washing machine straight out of hell?
That server doesn't know what "sleep mode" is. The GUI calls you "Hon"
while it asks if you want your coffee freshened up, and wears too much
mascara. The hard drives may screech horribly while the heads crash, but
they keep soldiering on and carrying the data because sometimes you've
gotta do what you were born to do, because if we don't keep on carrying
that load, what the hell is there?
It's angst and regret and missed opportunity and blinking neon signs
and air horns, all hopped up on amphetamines and slowed down on alcohol,
running in parallel on the (information) superhighway at two thirty in
the morning.
It's life, son, and either you an make the best of it or not, and
it ain't pretty, but sometimes you've gotta stare face to face
into what actually gets it done.
Come to think of it, there's probably a pretty good analogy here with
old Country, real heartbroken criminal-on-the-lam
mah-women-done-me-wrong Country, as the progenitor of Miley Cyrus, and
BSD spawning Apple iOS.
#Comment Re: made: 2010-06-22 15:38:50.763892+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Or, to put it another way:
Disney is Apple is Miley Cyrus, Six Flags is Android is Beyonce Knowles.
Linux is Tom Waits.
#Comment Re: made: 2010-06-22 15:38:28.547504+00 by:
Dan Lyke
[edit history]
On Mon, 21 Jun 2010 12:14:34 -0400
Sidney Hale wrote:
> I would like to see this thread about Apple vs. Google being
> Disneyland vs. Six Flags. It sounds a bit to simplistic for me.
All simplistic comparisons are simplistic, but...
We've got a family we've... well, the story is too long, so let's just
say they're underprivileged and we've "adopted" them. We gave them
season tickets to the local Six Flags, and we take 'em occasionally.
We'd also love to take 'em to Disneyland, but that's a long trip with a
couple of overnights and ... well ... LA, SoCal and the OC.
If you go to Disneyland, they believe. You could easily wink and sneer
at "It's A Small World", but they don't. There is no post-modern
cynicism, every fiber of Disneyland, every cast member, carries off the
feeling that you're in the happiest place on earth. They may roll their
eyes off-stage, but in the park it's on. If the photographers at the
park entrance see you have your own camera, they'll ask if they can use
your camera first.
Six Flags, on the other hand, is the surly teen: Their mascot is the old
guy who still dances and parties down. There's your pomo irony, right
off the bat. They serve alcohol. Copious amounts of it. They use their
cameras first.
Both of them charge you way too much for your soda, but at Disney it's
in a themed cup, probably with a sit down that's also themed to the
ride. At Six Flags you're buying from a brand that exists outside of
the park, and you're sitting at the same tables that the other brands
(ie: Subway, Taco Bell, etc) of the food court all share.
Are the rides any different? Probably not. Disney's the place for the
childlike wonder that parents want to expose their children to, Six
Flags is the place for rebellious teens and cynical twenty-somethings.
See also: the Toy Story franchise vs the Shrek franchise.
In Disney, you go experience the Matterhorn ride. In Six Flags, you
ride the roller coaster.
And then there's some of us who go off and climb the freakin' mountain
our own damned selves, but that's not nearly as big a market.