FBI making shit up
2010-08-03 17:09:04.466502+00 by
Dan Lyke
So there's the "ha ha, Mike Godwin puts the smackdown on the FBI" aspect of Wikipedia's response to the FBI's attempt to make them remove the FBI logo (PDF), article and appropriate excerpts here, but there's also the aspect that David Larson, Deputy Director of the FBI, and Brian Binney, Assistant General Counsel of the FBI, deliberately omitted portions of the code they cited to make their case.
Let me restate that: We have sworn law enforcement officers (I think, they're FBI officials, right?) making up law.
That needs to go way beyond "career limiting behavior".
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comments in descending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: made: 2010-08-11 00:14:16.479226+00 by:
[edit history]
I must confess I find my feathers ruffled at the inclusion of "transvestite" among the enumeration of evils attributed to this individual you reference, Andy...
#Comment Re: made: 2010-08-04 15:35:49.504945+00 by:
Nothing new. The FBI lab is a particular problem as it readily succumbs to
pressure in finding upper management desired results even in high profile cases.
This includes the urea analysis issues in the Oklahoma City bombing and the
first WTC bombing in '93. Web copies are available of court testimony of
Frederick Whitehurst, Ph.D., senior FBI laboratrian.
The FBI is frequently unwilling to remedy even some of the most egregious lab
work that it has done. An example of this would be bullet match analysis in which
an FBI expert testified in some 2500 or so cases which only had wish fulfillment
as its analytical basis. In 2004 the National Academy of Sciences published a
complete refutation of the procedure, but to date the FBI has not yet been
willing to release a complete list of all the cases in which their so called
experts testified. There are quite likely still people imprisoned on the basis of
this "evidence."
#Comment Re: made: 2010-08-03 23:58:38.387942+00 by:
[edit history]
I love the irony inherent in the words emblazoned on the ribbon - "Fidelity
Bravery Integrity". Bear in mind that these are the folks whose headquarters
building is named after a closeted transvestite who blackmailed presidents and
waged a vendetta against Martin Luther King, Jr.
Fidelity - to what?
Bravery - why we chose a life hiding behind badges and carrying firearms
Integrity - Huh?
Notice the absence of "Competence" and reflect on the fact that these folks
ignored their own field office's warning about Arabs taking flying (but not
landing) lessons. Maybe the I stands for Incompetence.
#Comment Re: made: 2010-08-03 17:32:25.435712+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Sent to US Representative Lynn Woolsey, and Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein:
Per the New York Times yesterday, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/03/us/03fbi.html
, FBI Deputy Director David Larson, and Assistant General Counsel Brian Binney
deliberately misquoted US Code.
Sworn law enforcement officials making up law to push forward their own
agendas is the worst sort of abuse of public trust. These people are sworn
to uphold the law, not be the law, and if missteps of this level aren't
criminal, at the very least they should be career terminating.
Behavior like this undermines belief in law enforcement at all levels,
and should be dealt with strictly and harshly.
Thank you.