It really is the media's fault
2010-08-18 16:04:30.163226+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Elf on the media and the "ground zero" mosque, quoted in entirety for truth:
Dear Mainstream Media:
Here we are, three weeks or so into the BurlingtonNorthernCoatFactoryIslamicCommunityCenter controversy, and only now are you learning that Imam Rauf is a Sufi? And only now you're learning that "sufism" is distinct from the Shia'a or Sunni traditions, a mystical and highly tolerant tradition that the Shia'a and Sunni traditions generally look down upon?
We've been at war in several countries where these are major issues and you still don't understand them? Where the hell is your responsibility to educate the American people?
In fairness, we've been building 'ground zeros' near Iraqi mosques since March 2003.