2010-10-07 14:51:07.591226+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Bridge City Tools, maker of beautiful amazing woodworking tools, makes a cute little device called the KM-1 Kerfmaker. It's got two sliding segments, you set one to the thickness of the kerf cut by your blade or bit, then the other to the thickness of the stock that you want to cut a slot for. It's then usable as a shim you can use to easily move your fence to cut the two sides of the dado or groove.
Making variations of this awesome little tool seems to have become a pastime over at LumberJocks. This first group has an obvious kerf width adjustment:
The remaining batch seem to either have the kerf width hard cut into the device, or use a screw on the end to adjust to the kerf, which seems more trial and error than the original or the above projects: 21571, 37513, 37045, 23415, 19912, 37331, 19473, 19665, 37668