2011-01-26 21:08:01.984384+00 by Dan Lyke 4 comments
I know I've scoffed at "The Singularity" before, but it sure seems movie-wise like we've achieved something like that. Someone has created a 10 minute compilation of a Russian dubbed Indian robot clone movie that... well... Those Indian filmmakers have more awesome in their left nostril than Michael Bay ever will.
I think this is the trailer, Shankar's The Robot. Here's the first 10 minutes of that compilation. And I mean "awesome" in that 13 year old sort of way.
But, really, why do people even bother with effects films any more? This shows that it has been done. Period. We have reached the effects films and awesomeness singularity.
Related, and probably more worth watching: Lazy Teenage Superheroes. (SE thread). As I was watching this, I was reminded of the days way beck when that I was impressed by "The Mind's Eye" and raytracing...