Nephews are in town
2011-04-29 03:31:21.541843+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Nephews are in town. We've spent the past two days building toys.
2011-04-29 03:31:21.541843+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Nephews are in town. We've spent the past two days building toys.
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#Comment Re: made: 2011-04-30 11:40:54.362498+00 by: meuon
What bile maker crap! Wassamatter? Can't afford plastic logo/brand strewn toys from walmart with specific features and role play designed into them? Your poor nephews will have to rely in their own imagination for details. These toys might even last more than a month. This will not improve the world economy.
Worse, they might get ideas that they can modify and possibly build their own things, possibly from scraps at no/low cost. Blasphemy. Thanks to you, some factory chinese kid is not getting their dose of toxic resin colorant today.