Writing & Education
2011-08-08 19:28:10.027289+00 by
Dan Lyke
NY Times: Virginia Heffernan: Education Needs a Digital-Age Upgrade:
Ms. Davidson herself was appalled not long ago when her students at Duke, who produced witty and incisive blogs for their peers, turned in disgraceful, unpublishable term papers. But instead of simply carping about students with colleagues in the great faculty-lounge tradition, Ms. Davidson questioned the whole form of the research paper. What if bad writing is a product of the form of writing required in school the term paper and not necessarily intrinsic to a students natural writing style or thought process? She adds: What if research paper is a category that invites, even requires, linguistic and syntactic gobbledygook?
What if, indeed. After studying the matter, Ms. Davidson concluded, Online blogs directed at peers exhibit fewer typographical and factual errors, less plagiarism, and generally better, more elegant and persuasive prose than classroom assignments by the same writers.
That's Dr. Cathy Davidson, her book is Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and
. I may wander down to the bookstore and order this.
Anyone wanna weigh in on what this may mean about education bubbles?
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#Comment Re: made: 2011-08-09 15:19:26.236548+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Several years ago I was helping a young man do papers for High School English. I asked him about a couple of incredibly convoluted paragraphs, and he said "you'll see, that's what she wants". We could have cleaned them up immensely, but when the paper came back he had an "A".
I think that starting in grade school there's a push towards a writing style that's crap and obfuscates actual meaning, and I think in digging through various theses and papers recently that that continues to the point where it's allowing academics to convince themselves of things they wouldn't otherwise believe.
#Comment Re: made: 2011-08-09 02:47:47.864527+00 by:
She adds: What if research paper is a category that invites, even
requires, linguistic and syntactic gobbledygook?
In a word: yep. Instead of a drawn out publication process (research papers
generally take 6-24 months from submission to print), why not just use a Wiki to
publish results. Especially in light of the fact that journal publishers make billions
printing intellectual output that is given to them for free (and probably funded
by tax payers). Worse still, all editing of these journals is also done for free.
Does a PhD mean you're smart? I'd argue the opposite.
One advantage of working for the USGS is that no journal can claim copyright to my
effort. They may get it for free but not exclusively.