Reclaim Blogging
2011-09-01 16:30:29.916216+00 by
Dan Lyke
Hey, other people are banging this drum now: Hugh McLeod: Reclaim Blogging: Why Im giving up Twitter and Facebook.
A decade ago, blogging seemed more powerful, more revolutionary, more
more like the way we wanted the web to be, as opposed to
how the corporations wanted it to be.
There are people on Facebook and Twitter with whom I still want to communicate, but RSS of my IdentiFaceTwit updates is at , some of those end up here.
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#Comment Re: made: 2011-09-01 17:08:15.122749+00 by:
In many more ways, I appreciate how Twitter and Facebook have allowed blogging to
evolve. Personally, I write fewer, longer, better researched blog posts because I
can dump the status updates and interesting links elsewhere.
I still also see the value in having two blog platforms: Flutterby and my own blog on Blogger.
#Comment Re: made: 2011-09-01 23:29:55.85054+00 by:
Personally, I write fewer, longer, better researched blog posts because I can dump the status updates and interesting links elsewhere.
And, for me, having a place to dump the status updates and interesting links - the part I was interested in continuing to maintain - allows me to almost totally abandon the longer, omphaloskeptic weblog which was not delivering me useful interaction or positive reinforcement anyway. It was difficult giving up regular long-format web writing when I've been doing it since the mid-Nineties, but all things must pass.
#Comment Re: made: 2011-09-02 09:32:54.183973+00 by:
Hey, where's the "Like" button? :/