2012-01-03 01:38:17.681178+00 by
How does anyone get a small technology company where one person is the main intellectual property asset, to scale beyond the capabilities and capacity of that person, without re-inventing everything. I'm looking for answers, resources, books, how-to, friendly blunt advice... unfriendly (but constructive) advice..
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#Comment Re: made: 2012-01-03 08:43:43.912875+00 by:
- You need to feel more comfortable telling people what needs to be done.
There's a subtle difference between how I've known you to manage people and how
you need to manage people. I think I can sum it up like this: You do know what
needs to be done and probably, how to do it, better than anyone else. You've
always been good about hiring really bright people and gently guiding them while
learning from their talents. You need to learn how to direct their talents more
towards your ends.
- You need to STOP doing things yourself. I think this is antithetical to your
personality. I have a hard time considering what you might possibly be incapable
of actually doing - be it create an ISP, a smart grid system or rebuild an
engine. Your abilities are a curse. My father has the same problem. He can't
hire other people to do work for him around the house even though he has plenty
of money to pay them. The problem is that he cannot accept anyone else's work.
One way to accelerate this is to push the company further outside your comfort
zone so you can't contribute as much.
I don't think there are any books that would really help you. You're a unique
person. I've known for a while that your unique qualities would prevent any
business you own from growing much beyond just you. Maybe the Steve Jobs
biography might help. You're much more like Woz than Jobs. If it weren't for
Jobs, there would be no Apple. Woz liked to give away his designs and was happy
working for HP. Jobs was the one who pushed Woz to do greater things and pushed
others as well.
And that leads to another thought: not everyone is like you. You do not like to
be "pushed". However, most people actually like to need that kind of direction.
You don't have to be an ass about it, but you need to feel comfortable directing
other people's effort.
#Comment Re: made: 2012-01-03 10:24:08.591828+00 by:
That's what friends are for. Thanks, I needed that.
#Comment Re: made: 2012-01-03 16:13:57.817446+00 by:
Professional personal coaches, while sometimes expensive, can be effective helping you to think outside the box while also helping to push you in the right direction.
I have a personal friend who is also seeking similar direction.
#Comment Re: made: 2012-01-03 18:11:13.754609+00 by:
Dan Lyke
I think I need a little more about what "re-inventing everything" means.
Reinforcing Eric, I think you need to take a little more stock of the value your products are bringing to your customers, and be willing to let the costs of building those processes rise. This means more waste in the development process, which is what's going to happen when you describe what you want to your developers, they bring you something that isn't what you wanted, that iteration happens, and you learn to build better systems by giving developers specs rather than by building them yourself.
And I'd like to point out that I'm giving that instruction having spent yesterday running drywall screws. Yes, I know exactly what it means to be too hands-on.