On Flutterby as a trademark
2012-01-09 01:00:20.918966+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
On Sun, 8 Jan 2012 13:18:20 +0100 "Anton Josefsson" <email address elided> wrote:
Hello. I am currently working on a video game that I was planning to call Flutterby, but after a quick google search I noticed you had claimed it as a trademark. I was simply wondering if it was possible for us to use Flutterby as the name of our video game.
Hi, Anton!
I think it's fine for you to call your game Flutterby. Trademark is claimed for a specific purpose, in my case for a web publication, and as long as there's no deliberate intent to confuse potential consumers, it's okay to re-use names.
I claim trademark just to make sure that people don't try to take my domain names away from me.
Give a holler as your game progresses and I'll be happy to do what I can to help you with publicity!