Secret Service & prostitution
2012-04-18 14:29:57.758011+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
So there's this thing where the U.S. Secret Service was down in Columbia prepping for a Presidential visit, and a prostitution scandal erupted. Long-time readers of Flutterby know I'm not particularly averse to prostitution, relationships have many transactional components and I think heavy restraints on trade tend to bias the playing field, in the case of prostitution those restrictions tend to bias against women.
So here's what bugs me: There was a $25 charge for the additional room. The scandal apparently erupted because two of these assholes were looking for a "2 for the price of 1" deal, in the range of $40-50.
What bothers me, of course, is that a couple of douchebag cheapskates were balking at paying the provider of the services less than twice the additional room charge. I mean, maybe they could expense the room charge, but... yeesh.