Reframing pedestrian vs automobile
2012-05-02 20:44:03.363452+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
The Atlantic Cities — The Invention of Jaywalking:
It wasnt always like this. Browse through New York Times accounts of pedestrians dying after being struck by automobiles prior to 1930, and youll see that in nearly every case, the driver is charged with something like technical manslaughter. And it wasnt just New York. Across the country, drivers were held criminally responsible when they killed or injured people with their vehicles.
Slate: The Crisis of Pedestrianism:
Simply by going out for a walk, I had become a strange being, studied by engineers, inhabiting environments whose physical features are determined by a rulebook-enshrined average 3 foot-per-second walking speed, my rights codified by signs. (Why not just write: Stop for People?) On those same signs in Savannah were often attached additional signs, advising drivers not to give to panhandlers (and to call 911 if physically intimidated), subtly equating walking with being exposed to an urban menaceor perhaps being the menace.
Via JWZ: A conspiracy of the auto industry, you say? Why that's just crazy talk.