Why I wince through Hollywood sex scenes
2012-07-02 19:57:47.479428+00 by
Dan Lyke
xoJane: Sarah Woolley: Why I wince through Hollywood sex scenes and not porn:
Nor am I thrilled to learn that Naomi Watts kept on weeping and falling to pieces during the Mulholland Drive masturbation scene. Or that Marie Schneider was crying real tears and felt a little raped after Marlon Brando had a bright idea about a packet of butter in Last Tango In Paris - a scene that wasnt negotiated with Schneider before filming.
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#Comment Re: made: 2012-07-03 15:39:02.447987+00 by:
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The "that's show Biz" defense works in many areas. I recently had a conversation with my neice, who works as a freelance production assistant for producers of infomercials, and she described the very rigid hierarchy even in that marginal business. People don't complain for fear they will not get jobs, or that this is paying ones dues, just like Francis Coppola had to direct cheapos like Battle Beyond the Sun for Corman before he got to do the Godfather.
Her point was that during a shoot for some dumb product they had an assistant to the assistant lying on the floor tossing handfulls of sawdust and glitter over his head while somebody was running a powerdrill. It was a fire hazard, and glitter in the eyes can scratch your cornea. She screamed "Stop!!" and insisted they get the guy goggles, a hard hat, and have a fire extinguisher standing by. But what shocked her the most was that the producer listened to a peon like her. I told her about the Twilight Zone Movie deaths back in 1982. I'm sure there is a lot of the same shortcutting going on even today with safety standards, much less anal sex.