Happiness is developing against a SOAP
2012-07-23 22:46:11.936876+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Happiness is developing against a SOAP API that's returning "503 Service Unavailable" errors.
2012-07-23 22:46:11.936876+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Happiness is developing against a SOAP API that's returning "503 Service Unavailable" errors.
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#Comment Re: made: 2012-07-24 08:54:54.409378+00 by: meuon
SOAP is proof that a good idea can be a bad idea. Like XML-RPC. I've still a fan of what is now called "restful" (and was just the way things worked...) but don't subscribe to the GET/POST/PUT makes it work differently idea. And I have to admit: I'm liking JSON as a format for moving data. json_encode/decode in PHP and JavaScript play well together.