Cotonou vs Black Rock City
2012-07-28 17:36:51.750472+00 by meuon 2 comments
2012-07-28 17:36:51.750472+00 by meuon 2 comments
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#Comment Re: made: 2012-07-30 16:31:44.118551+00 by: petronius
It also sounds like something out of Johnny Mnemonic.
#Comment Re: made: 2012-07-30 22:06:14.566469+00 by: meuon
Today, this bald pudgy geek watched a complete failure.. of, well, just a about everything. 3000+ms sproradic pings on a wireless network, the GSM backup network down, and the HVAC at the main data center failed, and a line of people trying to buy power about 3 blocks long. I'm freaking. Fabrice and I grab scooter taxies (any guy on a scooter or small motorcycle it seems, a yellow short helps but is not required), and with my laptop bag we zoom to the main office. Walk in and it's at least 105f in the computer room. No big deal the IT director says, the network is always up and down, the people will wait. This happens every day.
As it turns out, the database load had approx 80% of the meter encryption keys wrong, so we had to reload the data conversion. Which took 5+ hours. The real correlative between me an Johnny is the transportation of arcane encryption technology across borders. Some day there wil be an event, and I will face it well, just for the humor value.
Using an genetically and cyborgically enhanced albino dolphin (ala Johnny Mnenomic) would have been much kewler.