European Transport Myth
2012-10-08 16:28:13.308898+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
The Anti-Planner: The European Transport Myth.
... When measured in terms of passenger miles, instead of trips, European transit mobility looks a lot less impressive. ...
I think there are other complexities here that this article doesn't go into as deeply as it perhaps should (hey, look, Dan's sniping at terse blogs! Pot meet kettle!) is that it also observes:
... a two-mile trip can access four times as much land as a one-mile trip. ...
As much land, but I'm willing to bet that most of the difference between a 6.5k automobile miles per year country and a 15k automobile miles per year country (yep, the U.S. is the outlier) is that population and development clustering means that the 12½ square miles of the 2 mile trip may have as much to access as the three square mile range in the 1 mile trip...